Categories: English, Hotels, Jobs

by tom

Categories: English, Hotels, Jobs

by tom

Before you walk away to find a telephone to call the front office, you can say to the guest

“I would be happy to arrange a buggy transfer for you from the restaurant to the lobby. Please allow me a moment to call the front office and arrange for someone to assist you. Thank you for your patience.”

“Certainly, I can assist you with arranging a buggy transfer to the lobby. Let me contact the front office to arrange for someone to assist you, and I will be back with you shortly.”

“I’m happy to help you with a buggy transfer to the lobby. I’ll just need to call the front office to arrange for someone to assist you. Please wait here and I’ll be back with you as soon as possible.”

“No problem at all, I can arrange a buggy transfer for you from the restaurant to the lobby. I’ll just need to call the front office to arrange for someone to assist you. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.”


Shorter phrases you could use to communicate with the guest

“I can arrange buggy transfer. Please wait a moment.”
“Buggy transfer to lobby? Let me call front office.”
“Buggy transfer? I’ll make a quick call for you.”
“I’ll arrange for someone to assist you shortly.”
“I’ll call front office for your buggy transfer.”
“I’ll arrange the buggy transfer for you.”
“Let me help you with a buggy transfer to the lobby.”
“I’ll call someone to assist you with buggy transfer.”
“Just a moment, I’ll call front office for your buggy transfer.”
“I’ll take care of your buggy transfer to the lobby.”

Remember to speak clearly and calmly, and to let the guest know that you are taking care of their request.